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  • Writer's pictureJael Abdelaziz


Over the years, I have been told several times that I should start a blog. Today, as a result of a college class assignment, I have finally done it. This blog is mostly going to be a creative outlet for me, and a place for me to practice my writing skills.

I probably won't edit the posts to the level of perfection. I probably won't even add posts regularly. I will, however, have a lot of fun. And, if you decide to keep up with my creative literature blog, then I hope you have some fun, too.For the sake of the post, I might as well explain why I named the blog "A Trail of Stardust." I was really trying to come up with the perfect name, and the only thing I knew was that, for some reason, it absolutely had to have something to do with the stars. So, I was praying about it, and then it just hit me. Jesus is the light of the world, like bigger than the biggest star you could ever possibly imagine. My stories are part of the way I'm going to lead people to Him. In essence, they are the trail of stardust I am leaving to lead to the Star. This is in no way a new concept to me, but it fit the idea of what I was trying to say perfectly. And so, A Trail of Stardust, my story blog, was born.

The first legit piece-of-stardust post will be up as soon as I actually finish it.

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